May 27, 2020
As the 2019-2020 school year comes to a close, we could not be more proud of the strength and resilience our business & education partnerships have shown.
While we understand the end of the school year brought a multitude challenges, this past academic year was also filled with numerous opportunities to develop our future workforce by connecting businesses and educational institutions. The following is just a portion of the work completed and we look forward to what lies ahead:
- Careers Uncovered: 4 sessions, 48 teachers
- Connecting Counselors: 3 sessions, 43 teachers
- Health Care Expo: 11 employers, 3 post secondaries, 402 students (13 schools)
- Mini Business World: 108 students (5 schools), 1 post-secondary
- Kids Building WI – Waukesha: 42 employers, 2 post secondaries, 1150 students (23 schools)
- MADE Expo: 35 employers, 825 students (15 schools)
- Superintendent Roundtable: 3 sessions, avg of 9 superintendents at a time
- Schools2Skills Healthcare: 4 sessions, 97 students (4 schools)
- Schools2Skills Manufacturing: 17 sessions, 28 employers, 470 students (16 schools)
Thank you to all of our education and business partners who are supporting these efforts!
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