Waukesha County: Manufacturing Strong

Waukesha County manufacturers are coming together to raise the profile of manufacturing in Waukesha County and share best practices. The Waukesha County Manufacturing Alliance, a group of the Waukesha County Business Alliance, serves as a platform for manufacturers to share ideas, encourage innovation and work together to transform the image of manufacturing and target new talent. In 2016, the group launched a new program, focused on cooperation among businesses to share best practices. The program, called OpEx (short for Operational Excellence) gives manufacturers the opportunity to tour other manufacturing companies and learn about the operational best practices that drive success in that company. Working together, Waukesha County manufacturers can share ideas about what is working and replicate best practices to raise the collective bar of excellence.

The group also operates a Manufacturing Human Resources Roundtable, offering HR professionals from manufacturing companies the ability to come together regularly to hear updates from industry professionals, share best practices and discuss common challenges and concerns facing the industry.

The Manufacturing Alliance is led by a Manufacturing Executive Council – a group of CEOs, president and owners – who meet quarterly to set direction for strategic initiatives and areas of focus each year. This group has been instrumental in the Manufacturing Alliance’s efforts to raise the profile of manufacturing careers among young people, in addition to best practice sharing.

The OpEx tours, the Manufacturing HR Roundtable and the long-standing Manufacturing Executive Council are examples of the type of business cooperation that drives a strong local business climate in Waukesha County.

By: Amanda Payne, Vice President of Public Policy for the Waukesha County Business Alliance

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