Connecting manufacturers with legislators to discuss tariffs
While the Alliance has not taken a formal position on tariffs, we are working to connect business to their legislators and others when they have feedback to share. Below is a message from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce president and CEO, Tom Donohue, regarding this federal issue. The U.S. Chamber is collecting information from businesses that…
Read MoreSupporting the City of Waukesha’s application for WIFIA loan
We were asked by the City of Waukesha to co-sign a letter of support with the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce for the City’s application for a federal Water Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to help with costs related to Lake Michigan water.
Read MoreEPA Attainment
The EPA has adjusted its earlier classification for Waukesha County and reclassified the entire county as “in attainment.”
Read MoreWaukesha County Approves Participation in PACE Program
Earlier this year, the Waukesha County Board of Supervisors voted to approved participation in the PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) program. PACE enables property owners to obtain low-cost, long-term loans for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation improvements.
Read MoreThe Importance of Exporting
By: Rich Rovito, Content Specialist for Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership Exporting is an important, an often overlooked, option for Wisconsin manufacturers and other companies of all sizes looking to grow and diversify their businesses. “It’s not only large companies that benefit from exporting. Small and mid-size companies are learning about exporting and are experiencing extraordinary…
Read MoreWisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) Washington, D.C. fly-in
Alliance staff and members participated in the second annual Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) D.C.-fly-in last week, when more than 45 Wisconsin business leaders took their voices to Washington D.C.
Read MoreAlliance Submits Comments to EPA on Proposed Nonattainment Designation
Yesterday, the Alliance submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding a proposed nonattainment designation for Waukesha County. The proposal would designate Waukesha County as a community that does not meet federal air quality standards. In December, the EPA notified Wisconsin that it intends to place all of Waukesha, Racine, Milwaukee, Ozaukee and…
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