We’re excited to celebrate 100 years of business in 2018. From our humble beginnings in 1918 as the Waukesha Chamber of Commerce, representing just the City of Waukesha, we have grown to be a business powerhouse that represents the whole of Waukesha County, truly making us a strong voice for business in our entire region.
But we couldn’t have done it without all our member companies that so believed in our mission throughout the past 100 years. We have been committed to serving the business community since the beginning.
Many of the issues we have worked on throughout the years are still being worked on today. We’re still trying to attract companies to our area, still trying to build up a skilled pool of workers for our businesses, still trying to ensure Waukesha County has a business-friendly regulatory climate, still trying to maintain a safe and efficient infrastructure, just as we did in 1918. Why have none of these issues been solved?
It’s important to remember that issues that face the business community are rarely solved. These issues are complex and ever-changing, and constantly require new ways of thinking to address them. We must be committed to constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of the business community, offering new and innovative solutions to the same problems as they morph over time. We can always attract more businesses and workers to our area, make Waukesha County’s regulatory climate even more business-friendly, make our infrastructure even safer and more efficient, and more.
We at the Waukesha County Business Alliance are dedicated to implementing innovative solutions to help our member businesses succeed. We know that the business environment is constantly evolving and we are committed to evolving with it. We’re humbled by everything the business community in Waukesha County has been able to achieve over the past 100 years and we’re excited to be at the forefront of business growth and success for the next 100 years.
Click here to check out the timeline piece we put together to highlight major accomplishments over the past 100 years.
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