What is a CEO Roundtable and how can it benefit me?
As a business owner, where do you turn to get new ideas, share challenges and best practices, and improve your results? CEO Roundtables offer a confidential forum of peers in non-competing businesses that regularly gather and share practical knowledge and best practices in today’s business environment.
Roundtable meetings are structured to help business owners address a variety of important issues and explore solutions to improve operations and profitability. They are comprised of no more than 15 business owners based on meeting time availability, business fit, and consent of existing group members. Owners of businesses with at least five employees are eligible to join a roundtable.
As a business owner, every minute of your day must be invested with a return on that investment in mind. Knowing that, we’ve designed the issue-oriented roundtable discussions to give you a tremendous return on the time you are investing. Meetings will be led by Mike Thompson and Chris Carman of ActionCOACH Business Coaching. Mike and Chris have been facilitating discussions between business owners and C-level executives for more than 10 years and know how to keep the discussions focused and on track.
What are the expectations of roundtable members?
Roundtable meetings occur on a monthly basis for an hour and a half. Regular attendance, willing participation, and positive attitudes are required. Any member missing more than three meetings per year may be asked to step down from the group. Each meeting is strictly confidential – what’s said within the group stays within the group. All members are expected to maintain complete confidentiality. In addition, roundtable members are highly encouraged to attend our Business Growth programs.
CEO Roundtable Interest Form