800+ Students Visit 2019 M.A.D.E Expo
In support of Manufacturing Month, the Waukesha County Business Alliance was proud to host over 800 middle and high school students at the 2019 M.A.D.E. Career Expo. The interactive expo...
Alliance continues advocating for completion of the I-94 East-West corridor
One of the Alliance's policy priorities for 2019 is support for completion of the critical I-94 East-West corridor between 16th Street and 70th Street. Access to a robust transportation system is...
Ramping up business education partnerships
Now that area students are one month in to the 2019-20 school year, the Alliance is officially kicking off our school year business and education programs. Below represents a portion...
Alliance supports regional cooperation and approval of Waukesha water pumping station
Economic and environmental problems are not limited by geographic boundaries and solutions often take regional cooperation and provide regional benefits. We are thankful for a long history of working closely...
Alliance advocates to expand youth apprenticeship opportunities
Workforce development is the number one issue facing Waukesha County, the region and our state. An Alliance survey found that more than 85% of Waukesha County employers plan to expand...
Supporting expungement reform
Workforce development is the number one issue facing Waukesha County, the Milwaukee 7 region and our state. With record-low levels of unemployment in Wisconsin and an aging workforce, employers and...
Alliance advocated to improve credit transfer among higher ed
The Alliance’s Education Policy Committee has long supported improving the transfer of credits among higher education institutions. On Thursday, September 12, the Alliance testified at the Assembly Committee on Colleges...
Alliance supports reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States
One of the Alliance’s 2019 policy objectives is to increase exports from Waukesha County and southeastern Wisconsin. In just the last five years, the EXIM Bank has helped nearly a...
31st Leadership Waukesha County class kicks off
Our 31st Leadership Waukesha County class kicked off on Wednesday, September 4. Leadership Waukesha County is a nine-month program that focuses on development of business professionals who live or work in the...
Transportation funding solutions
Earlier this year, Governor Evers signed Wisconsin’s biennium budget, which added $393 million additional dollars to the Department of Transportation. We believe a key factor in maintaining a vibrant economy...