Wisconsin Public Radio: Wisconsin’s Millennial Marketing Campaign To Continue, Despite Funding Change
A state-run marketing campaign aimed at getting more millennials to move to Wisconsin will continue, despite Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and state lawmakers not funding it in the state budget....
2019-21 Wisconsin state budget passes
With 78 partial vetoes, Governor Evers officially passed the Wisconsin 2019-21 state budget on July 2. The $82-billion budget included important priorities for Alliance members, including investments in transportation funding...
Alliance welcomes new board members
The Waukesha County Business Alliance has added three new members to its board of directors: Steve Cooper, president/CEO of United Heartland; Tom Dieckelman, president of Wisconsin Coach Lines/Coach USA; and...
Alliance outlines priorities in state budget
Approaching July 5 deadline requires action by Governor’s office Now that the Wisconsin legislature has sent the state budget to Governor Evers, he has six days (not including Sunday, but...
Congrats to the winners!
The Waukesha County Business Alliance, Waukesha County Center for Growth and Waukesha County announced the winners of the Small, Medium and Large Business of the Year awards at the Waukesha...
School is out for summer
Waukesha County schools wrapped up the school this month. Below represents a portion of the Alliance’s work over the 2018-19 school year to develop our future workforce by connecting businesses...
Supporting legislation to strengthen education
The Alliance is supporting SB165, which would improve the transfer of credits among post-secondary institutions. In short, the bill would expand the current universal credit transfer agreement between the UW...
Addressing the workforce issue
As part of a comprehensive strategy to address the workforce issue, the Waukesha County Business Alliance is working to connect businesses and educational institutions. It's important for us to work...
2019 Waukesha County Awards Finalists and Winners Announced
Waukesha County Executive Paul Farrow, the Waukesha County Business Alliance and the Waukesha County Center for Growth have announced the finalists and winners for the 2019 Waukesha County Awards. The...
Connecting Counselors
Our first Connecting Counselors program was on Wednesday, April 10. Connecting Counselors is a complimentary networking program for educators in southeast Wisconsin. Middle and high school counselors have the opportunity...