Growing Business in Waukesha County
Whether yours is a large corporation, small company or start-up, you’ll find Waukesha County to be a premier place to locate, conduct and grow your business. Through our seamless partnership with the countywide economic development organization -- the Waukesha County Center for Growth -- we’re focused on driving economic growth in our region. Created in 2016, the Center for Growth leads economic development efforts to improve the economic well-being and long-term prosperity of the businesses, residents, and communities of Waukesha County. Together we can connect your business to the resources and expertise needed to help you grow.

Center for Growth Services
Talent Pipeline
Develop, attract and retain talent.
Business Attraction & Expansion
Site selection, financing, incentives, permitting, and more.
Small Business Consulting
1-to-1 support for small business owners through SBDC.
Technical Assistance
Conduit to economic development partners.